S. A. Shobeiri, MD, MBA, FACOG, FACS, CMPE, an international authority in women's health, Vice Chair for Gynecologic subspecialties and Professor of OB/GYN at Virginia Common wealth University. He obtained his Bachelor degree from the University of Washington, MD from Tufts University, MBA from Brandeis University and completed his residency and fellowship at Tulane and LSU in New Orleans. Prior to joining Inova, he was at the University of Oklahoma for 13 years where he pioneered the discipline of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery in Oklahoma by establishing OU Pelvic and Bladder Health Center (www.urogynecologist.com) which now encompasses 1) an ACGME accredited 3 year fellowship program, 2) IUGA/ICS sponsored fellowship program, 3) Pelvic Floor Investigation Group (PFIG), 4) Basic Science Pelvic Floor Laboratory, and 5) International Ultrasound workshop. Dr. Shobeiri has been the recipient of research and educational awards including the APGO award. He has a broad interest training the next generation of medical scientists. He regularly chairs workshops at the ICS and IUGA. He has served on the Research and the Program committees at AUGS. He is a grant reviewer for ACOG, AUGS, and AFGR. He is a manuscript reviewer for Urology, Neurourol Uro-gyn amongst many others. He has authored >100 articles in scientific journals as well as several chapters for textbooks standard to the field of Uro- gynecology. He is the editor of the 2nd edition of the textbook "Practical Pelvic Floor Ultrasonography."