Ligia Patricia Rojas Valenciano
University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Dr. Ligia Patricia Rojas has completed her PhD at the age of 45 years from UNED University. She is Catedratical Professor and Researcher in the University of Costa Rica. She is the Coordinator of Evidence-based Nursing Research Collaboration Program in Costa Rica, Coordinator of Master's Degree in Gynecological, Obstetric and Perinatal Nursing in the Postgraduate in Nursing Sciences at the University of Costa Rica. Editor in Chief of the Current Nursing Journal of Costa Rica. She has published papers in international and nacional journals and participates as a peer reviewer in several nursing journals.
Statement of the Problem: The training of nursing students in postgraduate studies has undergone an important evolution about their role and professional competencies based in the better available scientific evidence. However, postgraduate students place research in the background and this behavior that they bring to their clinical practice as specialists. The academy has made efforts to implement various teaching methodologies that improve the motivation and acquisition of knowledge and interest of the student for the research, that they appreciate it as a form of development of the nursing. Therefore, it is important to follow-up the pedagogical characteristics in student training in research that allow for curricular improvements based on scientific evidence. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pedagogical characteristics in the research training of the postgraduate student in nursing in two masters degree of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing of the University of Costa Rica to improve the processes of training in the research area. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: It is a non-experimental study, long-term evolution of groups (cohort). Three cohorts will be carried out, in each cohort the following pedagogical characteristics will be measured: educational didactics, approach and learning strategies, learning assessment strategies, student participation, teacher support, quality of educational products, impact on clinical practice and scientific dissemination. Findings: The first cohort will be measured in June 2018, so there are no findings at this time. Conclusion & Significance: This protocol aims to have enough information to be able to assess the current pedagogical characteristics in the training of research in postgraduate student and improve them in order to have postgraduate institutions that have favorable environments for research, establish innovative and creative approaches for the research training and very relevant to the expectations and inspirations of students, linked to their ability to motivate themselves to acquire knowledge in research, use their internal locus of control, acquire and use available resources that allow them to improve their practice nursing based on scientific evidence.