Nurse Midwifery

A nurse midwife is a person who is specialized in childbirth and women’s reproductive health and also licensed healthcare professional. Besides handling births, they also carryout annual exams, accord counselling and also write prescriptions. Nurse midwife is the one with abundant capabilities needed for a midwife in the international confederation of  midwives. They also have extraordinary experience as a registered nurse. After accomplishing the registered nursing and midwifery education they are accepted to practice as a nurse midwife and credentialing a certified nurse-midwife. The main aim of CNMs is to provide women a lifetime care including their pregnancy, postpartum period, birth control, and a well women care. Mostly women with possibility of danger receives the care and benefits of midwifery from CNM in collaboration with a physician.

  • Obstetrical nursing
  • Labour risk and care
  • Mental health care
  • Unplanned pregnancy guidance and care
  • Childbirth supervision and care

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